
Call for papers

Colloque International de Recherche et Action sur l’Intégrité Académique

University of Coimbra (Portugal) – Friday 30 & Saturday 31 October 2020



We are pleased to invite you to the Coimbra colloquium which will allow us to work for integrity in a friendly and studious atmosphere.

In order to foster the quality of interactions between participants and the co-creation of proposals, we do not wish the colloquium to have more than fifty people.



A text of 1 page maximum (3000 characters) including the title of the communication and the challenge of posing the plot, specifying the astonishment or tension that leads you to wonder. The themes of the presentation will be, for example: integrity analysis, case study of plagiarism/fraud, example of Integrity devices, evolution of software for detecting textual similarities…

The summary should show that this issue is really important to the academic community. It is also important to specify for whom the communication is intended in order to adapt the type of argument, the degree of precision and the nature of the results provided. It should be remembered that presentations should lead to a discussion with the participants. The listener will need to learn something that can be appropriated or used later. It is therefore important to determine what the added value of the presentation will be to the knowledge of academic integrity, fraud or plagiarism.

Each presentation will be 20 minutes in length, followed by 10 minutes of discussion. Presenters will be asked to submit a 3000-word paper following the conference for publication in the conference proceedings.



April 1, 2020 : Tender opening date

31 May 2020 : Closing date for submissions

June 30, 2020 : Notification of decisions to authors


Address your communication intentions to:

Michelle Bergadaà :

and Paulo Peixoto: