Institute of Research and Action on Fraud and Plagiarism in Academia

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An international research institute

The Institute was established as a non-profit association on June 18, 2016, in Geneva (Switzerland). The association is independent and has no political or religious affiliations.

Its role:
To create a forum for international, interdisciplinary scientific discussion on fraud and plagiarism, to aid and assist individuals and institutions affected by academic fraud or plagiarism, to conduct theoretical and applied research in those specific fields, and to formulate and disseminate a methodological protocol with respect to fraud and plagiarism.

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Role and mission

The Institute functions as a research organization. This means that each case is dealt with collaboratively by the Scientific Committee, those working on the case and “country advisors” from the countries in question. All these parties work towards finding a viable and enduring solution for each case. This interaction-based research contributes to creating new knowledge that is firmly anchored to current reality.

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The Institute’s areas of involvement

It has been observed time and again that if a conflict involving fraud or plagiarism is not dealt with or is dealt with ineffectively, it will continue to resurface.

The Institute’s involvement occurs within a framework of mediation, which helps keep the interpersonal conflicts inherent in cases of fraud and plagiarism from degenerating into crises. The Institute aims to prevent the conflicts from escalating out of proportion to the original problems.

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