Etats Généraux de l'Edition en Sciences Humaines et Sociales (EHESS)

General Conditions of Publishing in Humanities and Social Sciences (EHESS)


Etienne Anheim

Director of Editions

School of High Studies in Social Sciences


Monday the 17th June 2019 – 11:30 am – 1 pm : Workshop “Ethics of publication (integrity, ethics, plagiarism, etc.)”

The rapid and important increase in the number of publications in the area of ​​SHS and their posting has opened up new issues in the field of scientific ethics. As in the natural sciences, the provision of raw data from research has allowed, in theory, a deeper verification of results by the scientific community, and the tools for cross-checking publications have been developed (automatic tracking software, plagiarism, discussion forums for scientific publications, movements for transparency of data such as TOP guidelines).

However, plagiarism practices are greatly facilitated by online publishing, while the pressure to publish quickly and lowering the publication barrier through self-publishing tools can sometimes lead to deterioration in quality of the scientific and formal work that is already available.

The issue of developing an ethics of publication, that would be shared by publishers, authors and readers (who are now more often in active situation back on what they read and can be mobilized as a community on many levels, as savant, political and economic, is araising in a renewed way.

This workshop will bring together Michelle Bergadaà, Véronique Ginouvès and Matthieu Noucher.


Useful Information :

The event already counts two hundred pre-registered, which is the upper limit allowed by the reception areas. But a waiting list is still opened, because places will probably be vacant by the end of May.

To subscribe to this list, please send an email to e by precising:

-your name,

-your first name,

-your establishment,

-your function or, if applicable, if you are a self-employed person,

-the round tables and workshops to which you would like to attend.

We will acknowledge the reception of your request and will contact you again to inform you of the possible consideration of your registration.

The participation at the General Estates of Publishing in the Humanities and Social Sciences is entirely free. The registration includes access to the various communications as well as the lunches of the 17th and the 18th of June, all expenses being covered by the EHESS. A certificate of participation may be delivered to those who need it for their employer.

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