Who we are

The following members of the Institute of Research and Action on Fraud and Plagiarism in Academia are actively involved in its programs and research activities.

The Chair

Michelle Bergadaà
University of Geneva, Switzerland

The Chair’s role

To review requests for assistance from individuals and institutions on cases of academic fraud or plagiarism, to determine whether they can be handled by the Institute, and to notify the Board.
To organize the semiannual meetings of the Board, the Scientific Committee, the Country Advisors and their guests.
To organize the biannual international colloquium on research and action.
To supervise and participate in the Institute’s research on integrity and its fight against fraud and plagiarism.
To approve the Institute’s directives before their publication.
To distribute “Intégrité académique,” the French-language newsletter on academic integrity.

The Board

Michelle Bergadaà
Professor, School of Economics and Management, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Michel Kalika, in charge of the Certifications «Responsible Institutions» and « Doctoral Schools »
BSIS EFMD-FNEGE Director, Business Science Institute President, Iae Lyon School of Management Emeritus Professor

Paulo Peixoto, in charge of the « Recherche-interaction » and of the « Colloquium »
Professor, Centro de Estudos Sociais (CES/FEUC) Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal

Marian Popescu, in charge of « Knowledge Transfer »
Director of CARFIA, Romania

The Board’s role

To recruit new members, scientific advisors and country representatives.
To call the ordinary and extraordinary general meetings.
To take decisions regarding the admission of members, their resignation and, should the need arise, their suspension.
To ensure that the organization’s charter is upheld, to draft the Institute’s policies and procedures, and to administer the Institute’s property.
To set up mediation frameworks in accordance with the Institute’s guidelines and notify stakeholders.
To set up academic complaint procedures in accordance with the Institute’s guidelines and notify stakeholders.
To define the investigative priorities for the actions to be taken by the Institute against fraud and plagiarism.

The IRAFPA Advisers

Pierre-Jean Benghozi
   Adviser for Certifications and Digital, Emeritus Research Director CNRS (France), Professor at École Polytechnique, Paris, France
Ludovic Jeanne
. .Prospective and Society Advisor, Assistant Professor in Geopolitics, and Academic Integrity Officer at EM Normandie, France
Hervé Maisonneuve
   Adviser for Publishers, Scientific Writing Consultant, former Associate Professor of Public Health, Paris, France
Jean Moscarola
. .Adviser for IA & Education, Company Founder, Honorary Chairman of Sphinx, France
Marie-Avril Roux
   Legal Adviser, IP/IT Certified Lawyer, Member of the Paris and Berlin Bar
Jean-Baptiste Soufron
   Legal Adviser, Lawyer, former Secretary General of the Conseil national du numérique (CNNum), Paris, France

The Role of IRAFPA Advisers

To address questions related to their area of expertise.
To take part in all collective decisions of the Institute.
To develop and expand on protocols for assessing and taking action against fraud and plagiarism when new cases are submitted for the Institute’s mediation or involvement.
To contribute to the creation of a collaborative platform for the collection of works so that all parties may learn from them.
To contribute to the creation of a website to disseminate educational films, research skills training software and online lectures.
To promote the development of an international reference portal for academic institutions and the publication of articles, books and documents online.

The IRAFPA Correspondents

Cinta Gallent Torres, Associate Professor of French Language at the University of Valencia and the International University of Valencia (Spain)

Sanja Peković, Associate Professor, University of Montenegro
In charge of disseminating the practices implemented by the “Responsible Institution” Certification, and promoting the work of IRAFPA in her geographical area.

Jacques Py, Full Professor, University of Toulouse, France.

The Role of IRAFPA Correspondents

Actively participate in IRAFPA’s productions (books, videos, symposia, Linkedin posts…)
To recruit institutional members from the countries they represent.
To facilitate understanding and analysis of the practices, regulations and laws in the countries they represent.
To promote training and provide information on fraud and plagiarism.
To disseminate a methodological protocol with respect to fraud and plagiarism in universities.


Catarina Da Costa
Digital Communications Project Manager

Philippe Perakis
Producer, director & storyteller, BeVisible.swiss


email: michelle.bergadaa@responsable-academia.org
Phone: + 41 22 798 42 04
Postal address: Institut IRAFPA, c/o Tal Schibler, DGE Avocats, 6 rue Bartholoni, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland

Website: https://irafpa.org
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/irafpa/