University of Corte


Contact: André GUIDICELLLI, Scientific Integrity Referent|

Thursday, November 22, 2018 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
“Academic plagiarism and fraud: when talking is acting”

Conference: Michelle Bergadaàà
Conference by Michelle Bergadàa, Professor at the University of Geneva, “Academic Plagiarism and Fraud: When Talking is Acting”

The explosion of cases of scientific fraud and plagiarism leads to the conclusion that the academic and legal systems do not offer satisfactory answers. The methods developed in the framework of research and actions carried out over the last fifteen years will be briefly described. The first theme addressed, structuring, will be that of the 10 consequences of plagiarism or fraud so that everyone understands the nature of the problem by abandoning the level of the logic of the cause (plagiarism and therefore sanction). The 2nd theme, dynamic, will show how one becomes plagiarized, or not, and whether this is determined from the doctoral level. The 3rd theme will be that of plagiarists’ profiles in order to no longer generalize behaviours and get out of the binary logic of “good vs. bad” scientific, “guilty vs. victim”, etc. We will learn to recognize and communicate with the types of offenders, and even avoid and punish them.

Purpose of the conference
– Provide a reading grid for participants to understand how knowledge offenders’ behaviour sets in.
– Provide examples of the mediations proposed by the IRAFPA Institute to help deal with complex conflict situations in cases involving various actors (doctoral students, professors, administrators, authors, journalists, etc.)

Friday 23 November 2018 from 09:00 to 12:00

“The Researcher and Plagiarism: Ethical Guidelines and Ethical Framework for Fraud Cases”

Workshop led by Michelle Bergadaà, Professor at the University of Geneva,

Cases of plagiarism in scientific research are important today. The “publish or perish” rule, electronic exchanges, online libraries…, our profession as researchers has been profoundly transformed, and this, in a period of time that has not allowed us to establish stable ethical benchmarks. Every year, in various universities, doctoral theses are cancelled and reputations are destroyed because the authors have been academically negligent in plagiarizing other authors’ writings. In this workshop we will show the ethical markers that should be discussed, established and formalized as a support to the responsible work of the researcher.

Workshop objective
– Provide a clear ethical framework for participants in terms of borrowing, quoting, knowledge building when writing articles and doctoral theses.
– Provide guidelines to help address complex conflict situations in plagiarism cases involving various actors (doctoral students, professors, administrators, authors, journalists…)

Presented on the basis of the work carried out over the past 15 years on the subject, in particular via the IRAFPA Institute’s website, then worked in subgroups using cases drawn up on the basis of real situations experienced within the IRAFPA Institute.