Actes du 3e Colloque International de Recherche et Action sur l’Intégrité Académique
“Défis et incertitudes de l’intégrité académique à l’ère de l’intelligence artificielle”
20-22 juin 2024, Université de Coimbra (Portugal), sous la direction de Michelle Bergadaà & Paulo Peixoto
Key principles of research integrity and research with artificial intelligence: a mapping of challenges and opportunities
Tom Lindemann, Secretary-General, Luxembourg Agency for Research Integrity (Luxembourg)
ORCID: 0000-0002-9460-0896
DOI : (provisoire)
Mots-clés : Intelligence Artificielle, intégrité, challenges
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Integrity, Key challenges
Abstract: The presentation will investigate how key principles of research integrity, as defined in the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, are reinforced, undermined, or remain unaffected by research with artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence increasingly not only permeates society but also research. This raises many questions regarding its effects on research integrity and the responsible conduct of research more generally. Investigating and discussing how research with artificial intelligence tools affects key principles of research integrity is a potentially valuable starting point for thinking about key challenges and opportunities. It aims to contribute from a largely conceptual and governance-oriented point of view to the nascent yet rapidly growing discourse on the research integrity related implications of research with artificial intelligence. It thus aims to stimulate discussion and reflection, rather than giving clear-cut answers.
Résumé : La présentation examinera comment les principes clés de l’intégrité de la recherche, tels que définis dans le Code de conduite européen pour l’intégrité de la recherche, sont renforcés, sapés ou ne sont pas affectés par la recherche avec l’intelligence artificielle. L’intelligence artificielle pénètre de plus en plus non seulement la société, mais aussi la recherche. Cela soulève de nombreuses questions quant à ses effets sur l’intégrité de la recherche et, plus généralement, sur la conduite responsable de la recherche. L’étude et la discussion de la manière dont la recherche avec des outils d’intelligence artificielle affecte les principes clés de l’intégrité de la recherche constituent un point de départ potentiellement précieux pour réfléchir aux principaux défis et opportunités. Le présent document vise à contribuer, d’un point de vue largement conceptuel et axé sur la gouvernance, au discours naissant mais en plein essor sur les implications de la recherche avec l’intelligence artificielle en matière d’intégrité de la recherche. Il vise donc à stimuler la discussion et la réflexion, plutôt qu’à donner des réponses définitives.
The presentation will investigate how key principles of research integrity, as defined in the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, are reinforced, undermined, or remain unaffected by research with artificial intelligence.
How does research with artificial intelligence tools affect key principles, and by implication practices, of research integrity? Where and to what extent are key principles undermined, reinforced, or remain unaffected, and where might adaptations or additional principles be necessary to ensure that research with artificial intelligence is conducted and governed in a responsible manner?
Artificial intelligence increasingly not only permeates society but also research. This raises many questions regarding its effects on research integrity and the responsible conduct of research more generally. Investigating and discussing how research with artificial intelligence tools affects key principles of research integrity is a potentially valuable starting point for thinking about key challenges and opportunities.
As the presentation addresses a general topic, it is potentially relevant to different audiences. However, as it relates in many ways to how to think about research integrity and adapt governance arrangements designed to safeguard responsible conduct of research, institutional leaders and key decision-makers might be the most relevant target group.
Primarily research on research integrity and research ethics as well as research on the ethics of artificial intelligence. The governance-implications are discussed from a perspective informed by social sciences.
A presentation with an ensuing discussion. Alternatively, the key points could be presented and discussed in a roundtable. The topic of the presentation presupposes some prior familiarity with research integrity and governance of responsible conduct of research. It aims to contribute from a largely conceptual and governance-oriented point of view to the nascent yet rapidly growing discourse on the research integrity related implications of research with artificial intelligence. It thus aims to stimulate discussion and reflection, rather than giving clear-cut answers.
En vue de renforcer les “Sciences de l’intégrité” de façon participative, l’IRAFPA a fondé son propre «Pôle Publications de l’IRAFPA» en mars 2022.
Pour en savoir plus.